,øThin with water if necessary0.00(øSalt and Pepper to taste0.05ø Salt to tatse0.00ø White wine0.00"øSalt, Pepper & Oil0.05ø  Water 20 ml0.00ø  Water 2.5 kg0.00ø  Water 560 ml0.00!ø Warm water 375 ml0.00ø # Water 250 ml0.00ø$ Water 100 ml0.00ø) Water 500 ml0.00ø*Extras 1 each0.00ø4 oranges 20.00øf”Garnish0.05ø5 Salt 1 pinch0.02ø6 Onions rings0.00ø~±Water - 1200ml0.00ø7Garnish0.05ø:Garnish0.05ø;garnish0.05(ø>Salt and pepper to taste0.05ø>Garnish0.10øCGarnish0.05øIGarnish0.05øI Plate cost0.70(ø!JSalt and pepper to taste0.01ø"JGarnish0.05ø#J Plate cost0.70ø%K New potatoes2.29ø&K Plate cost0.70(ø'KSalt and pepper to taste0.05ø(KGarnish0.10/ø]{seasoning salt & pepper 1g each0.05ø*LGarnish0.05ø+L Plate cost0.70ø,LBraised onions9.55ø-HGarnish0.05ø/M Plate cost0.70ø0MGarnish0.05(ø1NSalt and pepper to taste0.05ø2NGarnish0.10ø3N Plate cost0.70/ø\zseasoning salt & pepper 1g each0.05ø5O Plate cost0.70ø6OGarnish0.05ø7P Plate cost0.70ø8PGarnish0.05ø9QGarnish0.05ø:Q Plate cost0.70ø;R Plate cost0.70ø<RGarnish0.05ø=SGarnish0.05øq®Garnish0.05ø?TGarnish0.05ø@T Plate cost0.70øAU Plate cost0.70øBUGarnish0.05(øCVSalt and pepper to taste0.05øDVGarnish0.05øEV Plate cost0.70øFWGarnish0.05øGW Plate cost0.70øHXGarnish0.05øIX Plate cost0.70øpvGarnish0.05ør= Fresh Herbs0.05øsp Fresh Herbs0.03øtE Fresh Herbs0.05;øv°+Only use lemon peel "zest", not hole lemon.0.00øu¯salt and pepper0.05øSb Plate cost0.70øTbGarnnish0.053øU4#salt & pepper seasoning (1 gr each)0.02øg“Garnish0.05$øWncrushed black pepper0.03ø€Garnish0.10øYqEgg - the yolk0.00øZq Salt - pinch0.002ø[q"Caraway seed & paprika for garnish0.00(ø_Salt and pepper to taste0.057ø`…'seasoning - salt and pepper (1 gr each)0.002øaŠ"Salt and pepper to taste (1g each)0.00*øbŒsalt and pepper (1 g each)0.00$øcKudu should be 80 gr0.00&ød=Salt & Pepper to Taste0.05&øe Salt & Pepper to Taste0.05øh—Garnish0.05øi–Garnish0.05&øjxSalt & Pepper to Taste0.05&øk‡Salt & Pepper to Taste0.03$ø‚´Boiling water 1.25lt0.00øm§Garnish0.05ønpGarnish0.05øo© Salt & Pepper0.05%øzFresh fruit - garnish0.15%øydFresh fruit - garnish0.15%ø{cFresh fruit - garnish0.15%ø|¢Fresh fruit - garnish0.15ø}ªSalt and pepper0.05ø€² 250 ml water0.00ø³Salt and pepper0.05#øƒ¶Boiling water 1.3lt0.00$ø„·Boiling water 1.2 lt0.00$ø…¸Boiling water 1.2 lt0.00$ø†¹Boiling water 1.2 lt0.00$ø‡ºBoiling water 100 ml0.00øˆò Ice and Water0.10ø‰à Ice & Water0.10øŠô Ice & Water0.10ø‹õ Ice & Water0.10øŒö Ice & Lime0.10ø÷ Ice & Lime0.10øŽø Ice & Lime0.10øù Ice & Lemon0.10øf Commission 31.20ø‘fHedge3.00ø’= Plate cost0.20ø“> Salt on Plate0.05ø”¼ Extra cost0.20ø•@salt0.10